domingo, 5 de febrero de 2012

The dogs and the abandoned house – A good example to analyze human behavior

Today I bring a story o those that we receive but don’t know where from, at to which we add our own spirit

It tells that once it was a dog walking through the street till he found an abandoned house, full of curiosity he went in moving his tail and barking of happiness. Inside the house a lot o dogs received him in the same way, barking and moving their tails. Our dog went out of the house happier than when he got inside.

After a while, another dog saw the same house and went in too, he received clear sign of aggression from the other dogs and saw they were adopting a position of attack towards him. When he left the house he was even angrier than before.     

The question is that comes out is why the two actors got this two different reactions inside the house? The answer appears when we know what only mirrors were inside it!

Each of our dogs saw their attitude reflected on a big number of mirrors, even though they were just in front of themselves!

Just associating this nice story to our day to day life makes us think in our own behavior and lets us see that we only receive what we give, if we give happiness we’ll get it back in a bigger amount, but if what we offer is bad humor the same will come back but multiplied!   

Till my next post!

Prof. Lic. Fernando Julio Silva, MSc.
February 2012

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